Have you ever wondered what Aspartame is and what it does to your body? Well, let me tell you about it.

Aspartame was discovered back in 1965 by the Searle Company in Chicago, which is a subsidiary of Monsanto. It’s basically a sugar substitute that’s 200 times sweeter than regular sugar and has almost no calories. That’s why it’s used in a ton of products that are marketed as “Light,” “Wellness,” or “Sugar-Free.” It is very easy and very cheap to produce.
Aspartame hides under many names in our foods. E-951, E-691, NutraSweet, AminoSweet, Canderel, Spoonfull, Equal and Sanecta are just a few examples.
But here’s the thing, Aspartame can actually have some pretty negative effects on our body. It can mess with our brain by crossing the blood-brain barrier and causing long-term damage. And get this, it can also increase the risk of oxidative stress and mess with neurotransmitter production, which can impact our memory, learning abilities, and emotional expression. Oops!
To make matters worse, Aspartame can cause some pretty unpleasant symptoms even at a daily intake of just 11 mg. That’s about the amount found in 1 liter of diet soda!
Symptoms can include headaches, insomnia, irritability, and depression. Plus, there are even more serious potential side effects like seizures, ADHD, Lupus, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and an increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma.
So, if you’re looking for healthier alternatives, there are plenty out there!
Stevia, Xylitol, Erythritol, and Rice Syrup are all low-calorie options that won’t mess with your body like Aspartame.
And while honey, coconut sugar, date syrup, and fruit purees do have calories, they also contain extra healthy enzymes and nutrients that can benefit our body.
I can’t stress enough how important it is to do own research about this synthetic sweetener. While the food industry claims that it is safe for consumption, there is plenty of evidences to suggest otherwise.
Aspartame may be a cheap and easy way to sweeten our food and drinks, but the potential risks to our health just aren’t worth it.
So, next time you’re reaching for that sugar-free gum or diet soda, think twice and go for a healthier option instead.
Your body will thank you for it!