
Amina Korte, the founder of, is not just only a specialist in alternative and complementary medicine; she is a passionate heal researcher and a German advocate for holistic health. With a warm and empathetic approach, Amina has dedicated her career to understanding the unique complexities of individual health journeys. Her expertise is not merely academic; it’s deeply personal. Her vision for stems from her belief in caring for the whole person and community, blending various healing traditions to create tailored health plans. Her work is a testament to her commitment to nurturing both the physical and emotional well-being of her clients.


Amina Korte


Fields of Expertise



Liver & Pancreas Concerns
Heavy Metal Poisoning
Amalgam & Fluoride Poisoning
Weight Gain & Overweight
Obesity & Adiposity
Weight Loss
Shedding Symptoms (caused by vaccination, chemotherapy & others)



Stress Symptoms
CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
Sleep Disorders
Mood Swings


Gastrointestinal Tract

Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Chron’s Disease
Digestive Concerns
Leaky Gut
Food Intolerances
Poor Gut Health
Frequent Constipation or Diarrhea
Chronic Flatulence
Stomach Concerns (reflux/heartburn)


Modern Diseases

Shingles (Herpes zoster)
Silent Inflammations
Increased Cholesterol Levels
High Blood Pressure
Weakness of the Immune System
Infectious Diseases


Liver & Pancreas Concerns
Heavy Metal Poisoning
Amalgam & Fluoride Poisoning
Weight Gain & Overweight
Obesity & Adiposity
Weight Loss
Shedding Symptoms (caused by vaccination, chemotherapy & others)



Stress Symptoms
CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
Sleep Disorders
Mood Swings


Gastrointestinal Tract

Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Chron’s Disease
Digestive Concerns
Leaky Gut
Food Intolerances
Poor Gut Health
Frequent Constipation or Diarrhea
Chronic Flatulence
Stomach Concerns (reflux/heartburn)


Modern Diseases

Shingles (Herpes zoster)
Silent Inflammations
Increased Cholesterol Levels
High Blood Pressure
Weakness of the Immune System
Infectious Diseases


Women's Health

Hormonal Disorders
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Fertility Problems
Menstrual Disorders
Menopausal Symptoms


Musculoskeletal System

Back pain (several)
Joint pain 


Metabolic Disorders

Insulin Resistance
Blood Sugar Fluctuations
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Thyroid Diseases


Skin & Allergies

Food Allergies
Contact Allergies
Eczema & Skin Rashes


Women's Health

Hormonal Disorders
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Fertility Problems
Menstrual Disorders
Menopausal Symptoms


Musculoskeletal System

Back pain (several)
Joint pain 


Metabolic Disorders

Insulin Resistance
Blood Sugar Fluctuations
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Thyroid Diseases


Skin & Allergies

Food Allergies
Contact Allergies
Eczema & Skin Rashes


Knowledge & Skills

Orthomolecular Medicine (OM)

This groundbreaking therapeutic strategy was coined in the 1960’s by Dr. Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize-winning chemist, to describe the concept of using the right molecules in the right amounts to achieve a biochemical balance of the body. Correcting underlying causes to promote optimal health would be possible by using substances familiar to the body such as trace elements, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, enzymes, hormones, and amino acids. Neurotransmitters, dietary proteins, prebiotics and probiotics are also relevant to the practice of orthomolecular medicine.


Phytotherapy, a progressive botanical healing approach, harnesses the power of nature's remedies to promote optimal health. It is 100% science-based and, therefore, distinct from practices solely rooted in traditional knowledge, such as herbalism or Ayurveda. Phytotherapy specifically utilizes compounds, molecules, and extracts from particular plants. Before introducing a new phytoceutical product, it undergoes clinical trials, biomedical studies, and various approvals. These products are recognized for their safety and non-toxicity, and when used appropriately, they do not induce any adverse side effects, even with long-term use. With Phytotherapy, you gain the efficacy of pharmaceutical agents coupled with the safety and bioavailability associated with herbal medicine.


Homeopathy, developed by German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago, is based on the laws of similars - "like cures like." It is recognised by the WHO as the 2nd largest system of medicine in the world. Rather than masking or suppressing symptoms, homeopathy treats each person as unique individual and strengthening the body’s own defense system so that it can heal itself. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and can help people of all ages with chronic disease, as well as acute conditions.

Schuessler Tissue (Cell) Salts

Schuessler Tissue Salts, also known as Cell Salts, are a set of homeopathic remedies developed by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, a German chemist and physician. These salts consist of 12 essential minerals, such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which are vital for cellular health. The concept behind tissue salts is that imbalances or deficiencies in specific minerals within the body's cells can lead to various health issues. By replenishing these minerals in a highly diluted and potentized form, tissue salts aim to restore balance and promote overall well-being.

Original Bach® Flower Remedies

The system of plant and wildflower-based essences was developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a British physician and homeopath who discovered how various plants and trees can affect human thoughts and feelings. Convinced that emotional well-being is the key to good health, he devoted his life to developing 38 remedies, each specifically chosen to target various mental states and imbalances.

Dr. Bach was ahead of his time in understanding how emotional states can lead to physical illness if left untreated—a fact now recognized and accepted by today's medical profession.

The gentle and non-toxic nature of Bach® Flower Remedies makes them suitable for all ages.

Aroma Therapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing practice that taps into the therapeutic benefits of aromatic essential oils derived from various plant parts. Rooted in ancient traditions, this natural approach fosters physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Applied through methods like diffusers, massage, baths, local applications, or inhalation, each essential oil brings unique benefits—ranging from relaxation, stress relief, to mood enhancement. Additionally, they offer relief from a spectrum of ailments including depression, indigestion, headaches, insomnia, muscular pain, respiratory issues, skin conditions, or swollen joints.

Aromatherapy thus unfolds a tapestry of natural healing, connecting ancient wisdom with contemporary well-being.


Acid-base balance is a crucial aspect of physiological well-being, impacting various bodily functions. This delicate equilibrium involves maintaining the proper pH levels in the body, ensuring optimal functioning of cells and organs. An imbalance in acid-base levels can lead to health issues, including metabolic disorders and respiratory complications.

Understanding and supporting acid-base balance is vital for overall health. Lifestyle factors such as diet, hydration, and stress management play pivotal roles in maintaining this equilibrium. Alkaline diets and mindful hydration practices are often recommended to promote a healthy acid-base balance.

Gentle Body Detox & Liver Cleanse

A gentle body detox and liver cleanse embrace a holistic approach to enhance overall well-being by supporting the body's natural detoxification processes. This involves incorporating methods and lifestyle choices to assist the liver in eliminating toxins and optimizing organ function. By adopting a balanced diet, staying adequately hydrated, and incorporating specific minerals, herbs, and supplements, individuals seek to boost their body's ability to eliminate harmful substances.

This careful detox method is designed to promote vitality, improve digestion, and boost energy levels without straining the body's functions.

Heavy Metal & Fluoride Detoxification

This detox program takes a specialized and individualized approach, focusing on eliminating potentially harmful substances that an individual have been exposed to, either currently or in the past.

These substances, commonly present in pollutants, water, medications, cosmetic products, and specific foods, can pose adverse health effects over time. The detox process is tailored to include targeted strategies and, at times, lifestyle adjustments. Implementing a well-structured detox plan is essential for mitigating the potential health risks associated with exposure to heavy metals and fluoride.

Transdermal Applications

Transdermal applications refer to the administration of substances through the skin for therapeutic purposes. This innovative method allows for the absorption of compounds directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. Transdermal applications are commonly used for delivering medications, supplements, or therapeutic substances, providing a convenient and efficient way to introduce compounds into the body.

From patches and baths to oils, gels and creams, transdermal applications offer diverse options for delivering a wide range of substances.

New Healing Substances (Colloidal Metals, DMSO, CDS, etc.)

Treatment with several new healing substances, represents a contemporary approach to holistic well-being. These innovative compounds are gaining attention for their potential therapeutic benefits, offering diverse options for addressing various health concerns.

Colloidal silver, known for its antimicrobial properties; Colloidal gold, recognized for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects; and DMSO, well-known for its wound-healing and channeling nature, are among the emerging substances contributing to complementary treatments.

LifeWave® Patches (Phototherapy & Stem Cell Patch Therapy)

LifeWave® Patches represent a groundbreaking advancement in holistic medicine through

combining modern technology (phototherapy = low-level light therapy) with ancient wisdom. The innovative patches are strategically placed on acupuncture points to activate specific biological responses without introducing any chemicals or substances into the body.

The natural light emitted by the body serves as a carrier to transmit signals from the crystalline structures within the patch into the body. These signals, in the form of wavelengths of light, induce biochemical changes. Various patches send distinct signals leading to different biochemical and physiological changes in the body —a process akin to how the skin reacts to sunlight, converting it into Vitamin D.

Designed to utilize the body's natural energy for healing and optimize the energy flow and balance, the results of LifeWave® Patches are compelling.

Amalgam Removal Support (Tooth filling) >> Protection & Detox

Support for amalgam removal, particularly in the context of tooth fillings, involves protective and detoxification strategies to enhance not only oral health but also overall health. Amalgam fillings, containing mercury, raise concerns about potential health risks, leading to an increased focus on safe removal procedures and post-removal support.

Ensuring oral and facial protection during amalgam removal is absolutely essential to minimize exposure to mercury vapors and particles. Detox strategies aim to assist the body in eliminating any residual mercury. Dietary adjustments, supplementation, and specific oral care practices are often considered in amalgam removal support, among other approaches.



German CAM Practitioner

Heilpraktiker/ Complementary & Alternative Medicine
In addition; certified Specialist for:
Homeopathy, Bach Flower® Remedies, Herbal Medicine, Schuessler Tissue (Cell) Salts, Aromatherapy.

Dutch “Practitioner Orthomolecular Medicine”

In addition; certified Orthomolecular Specialist for:
Immunity, Diabetes mellitus Type 2, ADHD & ADD.

Coach Expert "ADHD & ADD"

Assisting individuals in developing effective coping strategies, strengthen organizational skills, and teaching proven methods for self-regulation.

Coach Expert "Burn Out"

Providing guidance for wide range of feeling overloaded to burnout status with tailored strategies for stress management, boundary setting, and coping. Empowering to restore balance and ensure well-being.


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